We LOVE to "BRAG" About You!

Awesome Dogs & Awesome Owners Page


01. Our Events

We love it when all of our Canine Families come together’s and spend time being envolved in training, games, events, certifications, and fellowship…


03. Be a Volunteer

Being a volunteer is a rewarding and giving opportunity to help others while giving of your time and skills.  Canine connection has many events and training opportunity’s that can always use some help to achieve an unforgettable event for all involved.  If this is somthing you think you would enjoy doing please let us know & Thank you in advance for your time.    

Help a friend

02. Find a Friend a Home

From time to time we find a friend in need who needs help, rescue or a warm loving home. 

Speak Up

04. Spread the Word

If you enjoy the events, training, boarding, or just the Love we have for your special canine…. Spread the word!